Product design development of Foliascreen® for Vistafolia®, the London based market leader brand of artificial green walls installed in offices, airports and events globally.
Vistafolia® wanted to expand towards the office acoustic partition screens segment and needed to develop a special screen design using their artificial green panels. My task was to design a product that is easy to fit into most office interiors, highly modular, has a simple construction and is easy to assemble, ship and store.

Design challenge & research behind
At first, it seems quite strange if plants grow out of a piece of furniture (especially when it's upholstered). It's against our interior design instincts…
Therefore I focused on exploring what design approach works and what form language may solve this dissonance and discovered the analogy of rocks. The shape of rocks inspired the geometric spatial pattern and the robustness of the panels. The partition screen had to be robust enough to be relevant for a plant to grow out of it, but at the same time appear movable and easy to settle.
Therefore I focused on exploring what design approach works and what form language may solve this dissonance and discovered the analogy of rocks. The shape of rocks inspired the geometric spatial pattern and the robustness of the panels. The partition screen had to be robust enough to be relevant for a plant to grow out of it, but at the same time appear movable and easy to settle.

Learn more about the project / buy Foliascreen: https://foliascreen.com/